SCCP-308: Chainlink Node With Staleness Check
Author | |
Status | Draft |
Type | Governance |
Network | Optimism |
Implementor | TBD |
Release | TBD |
Created | 2023-09-29 |
Simple Summary
This SCCP proposes to incorporate a stalenss check on the chainlink node used for SNX staking in the V3 system.
The chainlink node would have a staleness check incoporated based on the chainlink heartbeat of the respective network. The configuration would be 5,400 seconds on ethereum and 2,400 seconds on optimism.
Note that with respect to v3 oracles, restrictions and filters on existing oracles (such as the chainlink oracle), could be performed via configuration changes, further reference can be found here.
Currently the configured chainlink node does not incorporate any stalenss check. However, it is considered best practice that prices are checked for staleness before being consumed (e.g. staking, unstaking and liquidation). Hence, in case the oracle is stale, all activity that touches the oracle would revert.
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